Chilliwack, BC Canada

N&C Community Group

N&C Community Group

Because God is good and He changes lives, Nathan & Carla are very passionate about mission and relief work; they have been involved in many different trips since 2010 and the Nathan and Carla Community group is a team they lead to the Philippines. They love taking family, friends and new faces to experience what God is doing in other parts of this His world. With gratitude to God, they seek to honour Him by stewarding the gifts and talents He gave them, lead others to a better understanding of God as they serve in His name, and enrich the lives of those around them. They seek to be an encouragement to the field partners they work with and serve Him in whatever capacity is laid before them and their team.

Soli Deo Gloria.

February 2020

Nathan and Carla Community Group

Yapak, Philippines

A team of 12 traveled to the community of Yapak in the Philippines and assisted in various community development projects, including construction of several homes in partnership with Strong Roots Ministries. The team also assisted in various Typhoon relief related projects.

Nathan and Carla Community Group
March 2025

Nathan and Carla Community Group

Yapak, Philippines

In March 2025, the NCC team (consisting of 15 team members from both BC & Alberta) plan to travel to the Philippines with the intent of making a positive impact in the Yapak community there. They will be partnering with Joven & Anita Antolin and come alongside them in a variety of relief and development projects. Strong Roots Ministry is committed to helping impoverished families by funding children's education, providing balanced meals for those in need during school days, supporting local schools with supplies, planting a church, and offering financial aid for medical emergencies.

The team will participate in the construction of several homes for families in need, distribution of food hampers, running a Vacation Bible School program, doing a Days for Girls hygiene presentation at a local high school, sports ministry, and support an elementary school program.

They covet your prayers, thank you for your support, and pray they may be a blessing to many who give God all the honour.

Nathan and Carla Community Group

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