Share our mission to end extreme poverty

If you’re led by compassion for impoverished communities around the world and are driven to make a difference, we’d like to hear from you.

Hungry For Life - Non Profit Charity - Chilliwack, BC - Career - Hungry For Life (HFL) is a non-profit based out of Chilliwack BC, Canada that works alongside churches, community groups & businesses to reach out to global communities in need, help transform lives, fight extreme poverty, and end needless suffering. Moving People Towards Life.

More than what you can do on your own

In order to deliver on our commitment of 100% of project dollars going to projects, our staff are committed to raising their personal support or volunteering.

How does that work? You’ll look for people to partner with you—either through prayer or ongoing donations—and feel the life-changing power of community giving.

Sound daunting? Imagine yourself going to work every day, affirmed by the ones who care about you the most. It’s actually a life-giving process.

And we value this experience. Since it shaped and enabled the HFL 100% model to continue, our faith and hope feel brighter and stronger.

Words from the HFL family

Hungry For Life is a team of passionate individuals, united in their shared mission to end physical and spiritual poverty.

I love the alignment that I see at HFL between the mission of providing for physical and spiritual hunger, and the calling to discipleship and empowerment that I have found in my own life. I love that I can serve in this way, contributing to building thriving global communities with the abilities God has given me.
Jesse Sonnenberg
Jesse Sonnenberg
“Being a recipient (the one who was in need) at one point, I know how much the food hamper, a box of clothes, and hygiene hamper means. Being on this side of the spectrum now, I can assure you it is way better to give than to receive. And what a privilege to be able to do just that.”
Mary Martz
Mary Martz
I am passionate about seeing people develop a relationship with Christ. No matter where they live, what they do or how much they have, I believe that the truest way to reflect the love of Christ to people is to begin by addressing their extreme physical needs.
Abby Blundell
Abby Blundell
I am so broken by the spiritual poverty in the Western Church and the extreme poverty and suffering in the developing world. Therefore, I am passionate about disturbing the comfortable and comforting the disturbed.
Dave Blundell
Dave Blundell
“ With Hungry For Life, we can be the bridge that connects people in North America to projects in developing countries, in order to bring about sustainable change!”
Jason Krul
Jason Krul