Uganda, often referred to as the pearl of Africa, is a land of great contrast. It is a beautiful land filled with beautiful people, and rich in both resources and deep poverty.
The colonial boundaries created by Britain to delimit Uganda grouped together a wide range of ethnic groups with different political systems and cultures. These differences prevented the establishment of a working political community after independence was achieved in 1962.The dictatorial regimes of Idi Amin(1971-79) and Milton Obote (1980-85) claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. The rule of Yoweri Museveni since 1986 has brought relative stability and economic growth to Uganda. A constitutional referendum in 2005 canceled a 19-year ban on multi-party politics.
Uganda has substantial natural resources. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy, employing over 80% of the workforce. Still, the Ugandan people face numerous challenges on a daily basis. When it comes to human rights, child labor is just one of the major concerns. Rural areas continue to struggle with poverty and access to quality water resources.
Hungry For Life partners with a ministry that desires to transform lives in their local community.
Million people
Live in extreme
Lack access to clean
Lack access to basic
Lack basic literacy
Lack employment
Year life expectancy
Community development

Ending Violence Education
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