Surrey, Canada

Renew Church

Renew Church

Renew Church have been key partners for Strong Roots Ministries in the community of Yapak on the island of Boracay in the Philippines. As part of their mission of being a church where ordinary people love God so completely and love others so sacrificially that their world is changing every day, they have sent teams to the Philippines, since 2014. Their partnership with Strong Roots Ministries includes staff support, education support, home reconstruction and medical support.

Fundraiser Campaign

In March 2024, Renew Church is sending a team to the Philippines. They will be joining Joven and Anita Antolin in Yapak. The team is raising funds for the implementation of the projects in which they will participate when they travel to the Philippines.

March 2018

Renew Church

Yapak, Philippines

Newton Fellowship recently travelled to the Philippines to continue their support and assistance with the Strong Roots Ministry. Newton has been instrumental in helping the ministry establish themselves in the community of Yapak on island of Borocay. The team assisted in the construction of the Community Centre and working with the local youth through sport and friendship.

"I think that, once again, I have a better perspective on how God has an overall/sovereign plan and that we are merely His servants/hands/feet to show and spread His love."  

Renew Church
March 2014

Renew Church

Yapak, Philippines

A youth team from Newton Fellowship Baptist travelled to the community of Yapak on the island of Boracay and were involved in many ministry opportunities, including educational and evangelistic activities. Despite the island's tourism-driven economy, many of the locals are unemployed because of their lack ability to speak English. This church aims to help bring change to their situation.

“God spoke to me through this experience [through] looking for the left out and unlovely of society and sharing even a smile or kind word.”  
Renew Church
March 2024

Renew Church

Boracay, Philippines

In March 2024 a team from Renew Church travelled to the Philippines to work along side Strong Roots Ministry. The team participated in a house build, food hamper distribution, school feeding program, after school program, Grade 6 English tutoring, volleyball ministry, camped with a group of boys, and taught Sunday school classes.

Renew Church
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