March 2024

Kids and more kids

Written by: 
Rose Scott


Tuesday morning, the building and wrecking crew were dropped off early, while most of the others prepped for VBS. At 11:00 we hopped in the shuttle for a ride to the local elementary school. Basic education is compulsory in the Philippines. In teams of two, we were assigned to three intermediate classrooms, each of which had around 40 children. We had prepped some reading comprehension sheets to go over and then spaghetti lunch was served to all the students by Oasis, ensuring everyone has at least one square meal that day. Although it is a public school, the Philippines is predominately Catholic and we were invited to say grace before eating. After they finished eating, it was out to the courtyard for games such as catch the dragon's tail, four corners and British bulldog, led by some of our team. Decibels were upwards of 97 at times. A very enthusiastic bunch!

Our first day of VBS in the afternoon was attended by about 50 children and featured the usual VBS activities—singing, Bible stories, games and a craft, but just a little more chaos than we might experience at home. While the older schoolchildren tend to towards English fluency, it is more challenging to communicate with the younger children. We have been helped with this by Shiena, one of the local girls who has received sponsorship help and acted as interpreter, especially during Dorie’s storytelling. The second day, around 75 children showed up, which was a bit of an overload in terms of supplies and size of the room.

Pray for safety for our construction crew. So far only a few minor injuries. Pray that the camping trip for the young men and the women's ministry evening would have an impact.

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