Qwanoes is a youth-focused high-adventure Christian camp that exists to love kids to life like no other, helping them discover, live and share life like no other in Christ. Founded in 1966, Qwanoes is an ideal place for fun-filled, life-changing experiences.
Camp Qwanoes’ Kaléo Program is an 8 month foundational leadership college program in partnership with Briercrest College & Seminary for developing young leaders, a fusion of biblical teaching, leadership training, community, outdoor adventures, and ministry in camp, local churches, and beyond.
The Kaléo program is for single high school grads, ages 18-23, with proven leadership potential and/or a strong interest in growing as a leader.
In partnership with AMG Guatemala the Kaléo Program offers an opportunity for the students to serve during a mission trip to Guatemala facilitated by Hungry For Life.