At the bright and early hour of 5:30 this morning we landed in Guatemala City! Travel was smooth (other than Matthew’s answered prayers of turbulence) and we arrived at the house safely. We were absolutely blessed with a great breakfast when we got there and all immediately crashed and took naps after. We all then woke up (thinking it was a different day) and headed out for lunch and to visit the AMG office and surrounding community.
Carlos and the AMG staff welcomed us to their office and gave us a history on their ministry and let us in on why they do what they do. Jonathan, a 16 year old student at AMG’s biggest school, gave us a tour of the school property that is just behind the AMG office. He was an amazing tour guide and it was super encouraging to hear how positively AMG and the school has impacted his life. We then had the privilege to visit a cemetery down the street from the AMG office and from it we looked over into one of the more impoverished communities. Carlos explained some of the deep hurt that goes on in the communities we saw, the ones surrounding, and even in the cemetery itself and it was an eye opener to what has been happening in this area.
After dinner, the group got to watch the documentary “Reparando”. It described why there is so much violence and pain in Guatemala and shined a light on some people who see hope here and are doing the best they can to improve the country through the love of Christ. And finally as a team we did a devotional, debriefed, and ended in prayer.
It’s only day 1 and the experience has already been wildly impactful. We could not be more grateful to be the hands and feet of Jesus here and see how God is going to work this trip!