Barrhead, Canada

Barrhead Community Group

Barrhead Community Group

This community group from Barrhead, Alberta travels to Ensenada, Mexico to work alongside the ministry of El Refugio. During their time, they built relationships with the girls that have come to call El Refugio home. Together with our partners, they were involved in children's ministry, some vehicle maintenance and outreach to the community.

August 2018

Barrhead Community Group

Ensenada, Mexico

This group from Barrhead, Alberta traveled to Ensenada, Mexico to work alongside the ministry of El Refugio. During their time, they built relationships with the girls that have come to call El Refugio home. Together with our partners, they were involved in children's ministry, some vehicle maintenance and outreach to the community.

"This trip impacted me in many ways—one big one being my relationship with God. It made me see what life with and without God looked like and I never want to lose that."  
Barrhead Community Group
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