Here we go - we're off to Guatemala! Starting with 4:45am check-in in Vancouver, the team was impressively awake and full of energy. After a smooth check-in, security and US customs we had some time to chill at the gate before our flight to Dallas.
With a 7-hour layover in Dallas, most of the team took advantage of the time to find a Chick-fil-A because that was all the rage. A few hours into the layover the energy levels have subsided and the early morning seems to be catching up. Thankful for this time to catch some downtime.
Our next flight leaves around 9pm Dallas-time and should put is into Guatemala City just after midnight. Please continue to pray for smooth travels and sustained health - it's common for these travel days (at this time of year!) to wear us down.
Whether you've been a friend, family member, prayer or financial supporter - thanks for helping make this trip happen. God has great things in store for us as a team and for those we'll engage with in Guatemala. Please also pray for a keen awareness, sensitivity, humility and bravery to engage in His work.
Nate (HFL Team Leader)