Other than a few cricks in the neck, our first flight was uneventful. Not even our special neck pillows can guarantee a decent sleep on an airplane. Andy and I visited with our seatmates, both of whom were originally from the Philippines and quite interested in our mission here. The second flight to Cataclan was delayed by about an hour. Welcome to the Philippines! We are told that time moves at a bit different pace here.
Next, a bus ride to the jetty port, where porters delivered our luggage onto a “pump boat,” like a water taxi—no vehicles, just people. It was entertaining, but also a little concerning to watch them carrying two full sized suitcases on their shoulders across a narrow gangway onto the boat. Didn’t hear any splashes, whew! After our ride across a span of inviting turquoise water, the luggage was hoisted above a van for another bumpy ride to Yapak, Borocay. We kept watching out the back window to make sure no suitcases fell off the roof onto the road!
Many changes have taken place since the last time the Leites were here, but a contrast in living and building standards is still very apparent. We drive past exclusive resorts, chain restaurants and tiny convenience stores, abandoned construction projects and little shacks made of bamboo and tin.
After about 27 hours of travel, we pull up to the Oasis resort where blooming hibiscus, plumeria and jasmine flowers greet us. Praise God for safety—for us and the suitcases! Joven and Anita Antolin greet us warmly and we begin our afternoon with delicious chicken burgers, followed by a refreshing dip in that turquoise green water. Ahh! We have arrived. Most of the group head over to one of the houses under construction/ renovation to move some items, others head to the community sport court for a evening of volleyball with the youth. Linda and I start going over music for the choir next week.
Pray for the youth event this evening. The plan is an “escape room” type game, where the participants will solve puzzles and do a few challenges. Pray for enjoyment and a smooth communication of the gospel message.