Today we started by attending the ground breaking ceremony for Christ Glory Academy - Siaya High School. Construction of this high school is to begin immediately and is highly anticipated by the community. There were many dignitaries in attendance including the newly elected Governor of Siaya County - James Orengo. Bishop Silas spoke while Justin and Jason each said a few words as well. The 6 hour long ceremony was attended by approximately 300 people.
After the ground breaking ceremony the girls went in a car with Silas and the guys jumped on motorbikes to go check out Seje School, the Equator and a water project that provides water to over 3000 people, but is in need of some immediate repair. Seje School raises animals (cattle, pigs and chickens) in order to pay to send kids to school. HFL and Community Bible Church from Stittsville, Ontario have done an amazing job of supporting and keeping Seje School in operation. Our visit ran late at Seje and riding motorbikes back on Kenyan back roads in the dark was interesting, to say the least.
Silas invited us to his home for dinner and the remainder of the evening was relaxing and provided time to visit reflect on the day.