We are off. Our flight has been delayed (half an hour) and Lorne got ‘strip searched’… it has been an adventure so far :D . Lorne was wearing a hoodie and a vest and a sweater and a shirt and he had something in the pockets on every layer. It was like a cache of goodies when they were all done; change, glasses, watch, another pair of glasses… back and forth through the gate peeling off a layer each time until they gave up and used the wand. We’re having fun teasing him, but he knows we all love him everyone else had tales of security mishaps in their lives. Okay, the guys all had stories.
After that the team headed to the food court for dinner and got to watch a man on a bicycle get arrested, not sure what he was doing riding a bicycle through the gates, I guess the police weren’t either…
Lorne has already made a new friend who is also on our flight and going to Dominican where he is building homes.
Our flight will arrive after 6am In Toronto and then we have a luxurious 10 hour layover to sample the offerings of the Lester B Pearson airport. Although, with the flight delay we’re down to 9.5 hours.
Hope you all had a good sleep. Praying we all do too.