What an amazing first full day we’ve had here at FUDESA. We’ve just experienced so much and seen and heard testimonies of the wonderful things God has done and his provision when it seemed impossible. Their vision for the future is just so inspiring.
We heard testimony from Paul and his wife, Linda who are the ‘founding parents’ of the school here. Paul grew up in the Congo with missionary parents and communist regime took over. One day they lined all the children and parents in the compound up and they thought they were all going to be shot. In the end it was only his father they murdered and yet today five out of his six siblings are doing God‘s work in the mission field in various parts of the world.
Linda and Paul take care of a farm of about 170 goats here, and are just such people of faith and and even after working all day he gets up and preaches at chapel so just a very inspiring couple and Just amazing to see the school that they planted.
Kids are just adorable and always want high five you and their education level is quite high here it’s not a public school in fact some of the executive directors of public schools in the area send their children here because of the high-quality education. English is very important to them because they believe it opens up job opportunities for the kids when they grow up.
Another amazing testimony was Pierre who comes from Haiti and God got a hold of his life and now he is a pastor to the Haitian people that live here in the Dominican Republic.
We got to go to a prayer service and pray with some of the beautiful people here and they interpreted the message to us which Paul gave so that we could understand it.
We got to paint a wall blue so we had rollers, calling ourselves the holy rollers it was fun and the weather‘s been beautiful. It’s been warm but usually a little breeze and cooler at night.
The hospitality is amazing here they have the most excellent food and the best coffee which is important and we just really enjoyed today and just hearing about how God is moving and their vision for the future. They plan to buy this property there that God is providing funds for through donors and through fundraising because they have one building for high school classes and their vision is to build three more buildings.
It’s just been just an amazing day. I think of that saying that your vision or your dream should be so big that it can only be fulfilled if God is in it, and God is definitely working in this place and yeah the testimonies and the witness of how God is moving is just so inspiring.
Just loved every moment of today and appreciate everybody continuing to pray for us, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide as we work on construction project, days for girls and handing out food hampers in the community thank you.