This morning we went to church at Jesus Viene church. We sang songs in Spanish and English and 6 of us shared our testimonies. Pastor Victor shared a very passionate prayer that impacted a lot of us despite not being able to understand what he was saying. The service went for 2 hours and afterwards we took photos with the congregation. We came back to Pastor Victor’s house and ate lunch. We played with the electric fly swatters (don’t tell Stacey) as well as uno, cheat and poker. In the afternoon, we headed to the church in Chivoc called Gracia De Dios. Our worship team sang Goodness of God and the Chivoc worship team performed the same song in Spanish afterwards. 6 more of us shared our testimonies and Pastor Victoriano shared more of his testimony as well. At the end of the service, Pastor Victoriano invited the niños to come to the front and lay hands on our team and pray for us. On the way back, the bus got stuck going up a hill and we thought we were going to have to walk back to Pastor Victor’s house. But with God’s intervention we made it up the hill, the bus was repaired and we made it back where dearest Stacey Morris was waiting for us.