We started with a trip to the local grocery store to purchase some hygiene supplies for widows of war in the community. This, I must say, is an adventure in and of itself. But today was also a heavy day for the team.
We held a banquet for widows of war this afternoon where we shared, sang, ate and cried together.
I have come to understand that there is no one in Ukraine that has not been affected by this war. I so desperately wish I could understand Ukrainian so that I could hear all their stories — though I am sure my heart could not handle it.
We had the honor of meeting so many, and they graciously let us get a glimpse of who they are and their stories of trauma.
Tonya and Svitlana where two of those people. Both ladies have 2 kids, and both have lost husbands in the war. They also both enlisted by freewill — they have chosen to fight for their country and for their children. The loss they have experienced, and the grief is heart breaking, and I could never pretend to fully understand. To hear about how they have found each other and others that are now their family and support system is beautiful.
Heidi shared a passage from Psalm 31:8-9 at the banquet, “Have mercy on me, LORD, for I am in distress. Tears blur my eyes. My body and soul are withering away. I am dying from grief; my years are shortened by sadness. Sin has drained my strength; I am wasting away from within.”
From what I saw in the eyes of those widows who have lost husbands and sons, in not just this war, but also in 2014, I think this verse cries out how they must be feeling.
And still there is hope! These people are resilient and trust God for today and tomorrow. We serve a God that is alive!!! Amen!
Stand with us in prayer for all those in Ukraine who have been left behind. Your prayers make all the difference. God is bringing hope and light to a dark time. Please remember to pray for our family in Ukraine.
Good night for now.