We took a break during the weekend…, we worked Saturday morning in the guest house and it seemed everything we did that morning didn't work out. The wood ceiling we were working on, the boards just didn’t want to fit together. The door Robert is building had issues with fitting together during the gluing process, so we quit after lunch and went to the mineral pool!!!
Sunday morning we went to Pastor Rostick’s church which is part of the Ukrainian Baptist denomination. Lawrence sang during the church service “Victory in Jesus” and gave a bit of his testimony.
After church it was off to Mary’s Mom’s house for lunch.
Sunday afternoon we had a team member ( Lawrence ) fall ill. Out of respect for Lawrence and his family we won’t share any further information on this blog regarding his illness. We ask for your prayer support, for healing for Lawrence.
Monday we continued work on the house and the door Robert is building is all glued up !!! The time in the pool Saturday afternoon must have cleared up all the fitting problems.
Monday night we made a trip to the Hungarian border to pick up Heidi and Ewoud (friend from Netherlands)
Tuesday, Robert finished staining the door, which is now ready for the glass to be installed.
In the afternoon Robert and Mary made a run to the local building supply store to buy material for a shelving unit for the kitchen in the guest house.
Tuesday night the Bernyk family came over for a BBQ and a night of fellowship and singing.
Sharon is busy in the kitchen… the crowd at lunchtime seems to be getting bigger everyday.