First day working at the guest house. We spent the morning stripping the protective tape from windows, in preparation for taping and painting. In the afternoon we stained slat wood for the ceilings and got ready to install them. Half way through the day Mary gave Robert the challenge of building doors that will separate the living room from the dining room (feature doors).
Second Day of construction, Lawrence and I were able to complete one ceiling in a bathroom. Robert worked on the doors, and should have one door completed tomorrow.
Sharon has been busy at the house planning and preparing meals.
One of the workers at the house is Misha, who is one of the boys that was left behind in Ukraine because he was too old to leave the country from the orphanage that many HFL teams served at over the years. The orphanage is now in the Russian occupied territory and is now being used as a Russian military hospital.
The first afternoon into our stay (Wednesday) we spent with Rostick and Liya, we delivered some humanitarian boxes that were shipped from Canada to their church and then got a tour of the church with some history of the church. Rostick is the third generation of his family to be the pastor of the church. No visit would be complete without having coffee and some baked goods, so we were invited to their house.
Thursday evening part of the team went to Rostick’s church for evening service and part of the team went to the central church in Mukachevo to hear Pastor John speak.
Friday evening Lawrence was off to worship practice for Sunday morning. Robert and I tagged along, and we enjoyed listening to their practice session.
Tomorrow morning (Saturday) we are going to spend the morning working at the house and will see what the afternoon will bring (possible trip to the mineral pool).