Time is flying by!!!

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Wednesday…the construction team worked on the house in the morning. Robert worked on the finishing touches on the doors that he is building. The afternoon construction team heard the calling of the mineral pool, so it was pick up the wives and kids and off to the pool they went.Sharon was busy in the kitchen, it was cinnamon buns, chocolate cookies and shepherd's pie day.Robert started on another project on Thursday, building a shelf unit for the kitchen. That evening we went to the church service at Rostick’s church.Friday it was all about Baby Shower for Andrew and Marina for ladies. Work continued on the house, flooring material was brought in to acclimatize to the house.Another wood ceiling was completed on Saturday and Robert continued working on the kitchen cupboard. The team was treated to dinner which was brought in by a couple from Rostick’s church.Sunday was a day of rest which included going to church, lunch at Mary’s mom house and a nap.Today is Monday, the last day of work at the guest house.

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