As one group left we helped clean up the guest house to be ready for another group. These four couples would be arriving at various times throughout the day so we wanted to be ready with meals for them after their long journeys.
A surprise was hearing we would also be hosting a different group of 6 guests who were passing through by train and needed a place to hang out for their layover. Needless to say the dining room table was in constant use. Chad and Mary’s place is always open!
It’s a beautiful thing to reunite with old friends (ex. Pastor John and Nadia) and to make so many new ones. Having the common bond through serving our Saviour unites us all very quickly.
The mineral pools in the area are again being used and so appreciated by our guests. For several of them this is the first time they have ever been at a hot spring.
Probably the best part of this retreat for them is the fact they can sleep in peace and get much needed rest. As they shared each of their stories with us, we got a small picture of life in an active war zone. The testimonies are unreal ! They are so brave and rely so heavily on God! One quote from one pastor when talking about church in winter in a tent because the original church was bombed …”better to freeze in church than burn in hell”!
Tonight we all were able to visit the site of a senior care home that Peter is spearheading. Once completed it will be such a great place for the elderly. Then a visit to Mama Vera (the matriarch of the clan) whose door is always open.
We ended the day with another bible study on the book of Job lead by Sig.
Tomorrow we will say goodbye to one couple, that are returning home in southern Ukraine. But before they leave, we will hear them share their story at Mary's mom's church, during the Ascension service.