We are always thankful for a restful sleep. Our drive today was quite sobering as we viewed the destruction of the full scale invasion from two years ago. Seeing the rusted remains of Russian tanks, and mass pile of destroyed civilian vehicles gave us all a glimpse of senseless evil.
Then to view towns with homes and buildings destroyed by the war , some repaired but still many abandoned.
In the town of Moshchun we had an outside gathering where songs were sung and the gospel message given. Afterwards we handed out almost 200 hygiene hampers which were very appreciated.
We then spent some time at a memorial site where 332 people lost their lives in the first few days of the war. We visited two local women who houses had suffered severe damage and had now been working so hard to rebuild their lives/homes. Their resilience is astounding (something we see here in Ukraine continually. )
We were treated to a lovely Ukrainian dinner outside by one of these ladies. Afterwards the guys chipped in to help cover one of her greenhouses. Never a dull moment !
Thank you to everyone who reads these blogs. We appreciate your prays and please pray that this horrible war ends soon !!!