our Sabbath rest

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Cornbread, watermelon and fried Cheese! God provided delicious sustenance this am for us…..mucho gracious Señor! 

Out the door into Richard’s car for a short bumpy ride to the same location as the concrete work Dell and Kevin assisted with yesterday. This time to coat the inside of the newly constructed home for the single lady with a disabled child.

The crew yesterday finished up the floors and walls. Today the whole team, (minus Dell) as well as a few people from the local church came and gathered in Sabbath rest. Together we prepared, scraped the walls all down, and primed, coated the inside of the house with its first coat of white to seal and create a secure bond for the paint. It was an important job. We could have slathered the primer on the exposed surface, but that would have lead to a very rough surface in areas as well as just coating dirt in others and not actually doing much of anything but making a insecure rough surface that later on would have made for a lousy paint job.

It is easy for volunteers to skip steps, or to do a half hearted job at times because of a lack of skills. I did not see that in this particular case today. The workers were taking the extra time to scrape the walls off smooth and then even sweeping the dust from walls to allow for a good secure bond between the concrete and the primer. We did this as a extended community of believers in Christ, our team members, locals from the church and you who donated from Canada.

Those participating in the activity today were worshiping and singing along to music and tunes that we all knew, but we sang the same lyrics in different tongues. It was a glorious way to celebrate the Sabbath day in doing good for someone in need with our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Back at the church Dell was practicing with the Sunday worship team. Getting ready for the Sunday worship service. He came in humility, as always for Dell, and they had a good time learning to communicate both verbally as well as becoming united in music. 

Back to the school to clean up the tools and bodies, everyone, well almost everyone, was surprised at how much paint they had gotten on themselves….most have not worked that much with Kevin and his particular traits and techniques . John baptized with water, Jesus with the Holy Spirit, Kevin with the sprinkling of whatever he is working with at the time. 

After a delicious lunch…..at this point I have to add that my plan was to lose weight, due to my fussy food eating habits and going to an entirely different culture and eating entirely different food. This plan has completely gone off the rails with the meals the ladies are preparing for us back at the kitchen. They are delicious, they are plentiful and they are very tough to stay seated and not to go up for seconds. I have never eaten fried plantains, fried eggplant or fried cheese…but I could easily get used to it. 

We had some afternoon rest, some did laundry, some got in a siesta, others went for a short walk to the goat milking parlor to partake in the festivities. Those that partook were witness to a couple of fresh 15 minute old “kids”

Dell went back to practice at 4:30, while the rest of the team tidied up the sanctuary and basketball court/foyer, for a finance seminar the church is having for the community this evening. Have to mention to Doug back home how a basketball ball/volleyball court in the new church foyer could promote “community”. This would not only lead to Spiritual growth but would cover some physical exercise as well. 

Supper this evening was the crescendo of meals, for me at least. Lasagna, and scalloped potato casserole!!! The resistance for seconds was unstoppable in my culinary weakness. 

Back to the church to assist in serving treats during the evening financial advice class for the church. Those on the team have no idea what was being said, however it was enjoyable to hear the wisdom in the room and pray over the gathering as they learned another very important life skill. 

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

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