One Long Day of Travel and One Day of Rest

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Our travel day started in Chilliwack on Monday at 11:00am and ended Tuesday at 6pm ...31 hours later at Chad and Mary's place. We are grateful and thankful that we arrived safe and sound and with all our totes and luggage, 12 pieces all together. But we did have some speed bumps...

First speed bump ...while at the Amsterdam airport we got a message from Chad, Mary and Tatyana that they had issue at the border and that they would be late in picking us up ... the issue was that the Hungarian border officer wouldn't allow the van into the country because the winter tires on the van had studs, which is not allowed in Hungary. So they had turn around find a tire shop and buy and install new tires. They were upset that they were were going to leave us standing at the airport for a couple hours., but God had a different plan...

Second speed bump...We were waiting at the gate for our flight to Budapest, when we were told there was going to be a 30 minute delay, after 30 minutes we were told that the aircraft had an issue and that we had to move to a new gate with a new aircraft. After waiting 30 minutes at the new gate, we were told that the second aircraft had an issue and we had to move to another gate with another aircraft. After preparing and loading the aircraft we were 2 1/2 hours behind schedule. So in fact Chad, Mary and Tatyana beat us to the airport by 1 hour. But the best part of our arrival was that not only was Chad, Mary and Tatyana there to pick us up, but also Pastor John and Nadia from Nikopol were there to greet us. What a blessing that was !!!

The rest of the trip to Chad and Mary's went according to plan, except for the 2 1/2 processing time at the border and removing a tree that fell across the street, that delayed us another 30 minutes at 1:00am. We finally arrived at Chad and Mary's at 2:00am

Our Day of Rest...sleep as long as you can !!! In the afternoon we went into town to do some errands, had lunch at a traditional Ukrainian Restaurant and Pelmeni (ravioli in a butter sauce) very tasty. Then we had a tour of the guest house currently under construction, and scouted our project for the next couple of weeks, which is going to be installing wooden on the look out for before and after pictures !!!

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