Today we left our beloved guest house in the Shikoko Village in Kakamega. We were spoiled with hospitality staying there and said a heartfelt goodbye to those who cared for us and for the space we shared. We journeyed on to Siaya district to check into our accommodations for the next 5 nights.
After settling in and waiting (a bit long) for lunch, we headed to Seje Christ Glory Centre Primary School. There we were met with the sweetest welcome from the children, including song, dance, juice, snacks, oh! and flowers for each of us! Bishop Silas Oudour, the founder of the school and international partner of Hungry For Life, briefly shared his story with us and what led him to start his school. Inspirational!
109 out of the 191 students attending the school are sponsored. We loved our time in the classes with the students and wished we had more time with them. We hope the short time we had built into their confidence and self esteem, which is our goal. The people we encounter and spend time with continuously bless us with their welcoming attitudes.
Tomorrow, we enter into another day and a half of community leadership training in Yogo District. We desire it to go as well as it did in Kakamega!
Thanks for following along, and for continued support.
With love,