We are all packed up and ready to go on this rainy morning and I realize I am also packing memories and blessings to take to Sesse island and Kalangula to add to the new treasures that will come from our time there.
Before we leave Debbie and I popped up to visit Costa the house mum who had broken her leg and remembered us from our last visit. We had shared our leftover food with the girls and now also were able to pray for their house mother ( those of you who were on our past trip Costa is one of the mums we gave pedicure and manicures to)
Our travel to the ferry was along the swampy area of Uganda with Lake Victoria on one side and a smaller lake on the other side. Crocodiles live here in the swamps but only in rocky areas where the fish gather for them to hunt and if a dog or human gets between them and the fish they are fair game.
We were all looking forward to our stop at the equator for pictures and shopping and managed to split our support among the many stalls thought i have a feeling that they are all interconnected. We had a demonstration of The Coreolis effect which explains why on the equator the water goes straight down. In the western hemisphere it flows clockwise and the southern hemisphere counter clockwise.
On our drive we talked with Pastor Michael about the difference between church in Uganda (that we loved ) with the singing and dancing and sharing the word of God and the goal of inspiring Hope in their church family. This gave us all food for thought as we compared with our churches.
We arrived safe and sound at our home for the next two nights and are sitting now overlooking beautiful lake Victoria with the many birds that are our companions here. The next two days will be full and we are looking forward to the inspiring changes that will take place in this the last community we will be visiting.