*This morning I woke up early to the sound of roosters crowing and birds singing announcing a new day in Mpigi. This is my first trip with the EVE Team and my first time in Africa. As the mist settled into the valley below we prepared for another day of workshops with the chosen community leaders. *
*Today we continued to educate these leaders to further the work of ending Gender Based Violence. Many of these chosen leaders have been spreading EVE’s message since their 2018 and 2022 visits. They have reduced violence and fear and are preparing to take the message to others. They now have dreams and are taking advantage of opportunities. *
*While they are thanking us we know the change has come from within the community. So many smiles and so many hugs from the participants was almost overwhelming in a good way but also so gratifying. I love the people we have been working with. I know they have learned so much they will overcome violence. *
Our thought for today, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Maya Angelou