The camp was a huge success. The girls had an incredible time and each of their hearts received a seed. We must pray for that seed to grow. Many girls have shared with me that it was the best weekend of their lives and they didn't want to leave. Honestly, I wish I could bring a few of them home with me. I will spend many nights praying and contemplating how I can help improve their lives.
I spoke with Esperanza about collaborating with "Vida Abundante" to focus on leadership and teaching English, which could greatly benefit the girls. Many of them have experienced abuse and difficult home situations, with their parents often absent due to work, leaving them alone or in the care of other family members.
During the camp, we dig into discussions about creation, the fall, and redemption. We explored how the four fundamental relationships were established at the beginning and broken in the fall, and how Jesus came to restore our connections with God, ourselves, others, and nature. My hope is that through the youth group and the "Vida Abundante" program, we can continue working with them through Jesus' love to restore their lives. At the camp, we worshipped together, laughed together - it was everything we had hoped for.
I hope that the Hungry for Life and Give initiatives will remain key components in bringing this program to fruition in this community.