Tuesday night we heard that the city that two of our house guests live in , lifted their travel restrictions. They are now allowing children back into the city. ( answer to prayer) Although still a dangerous situation within that city they will be able to go back home on Wednesday.
Our house guests did a little shopping on Tuesday afternoon, which they really enjoyed. A few outfits were bought and then modelled that evening to household.
On Wednesday morning our guests helped us get a shipment of kids clothing (that the the team brought ) ready to go to a city in southern Ukraine. Then spent the afternoon sharing more stories from the past, spent some time in prayer and then visited Mary’s mom to say goodbye. As evening drew closer we went for a walk and had supper at Lviv Croissant… delicious croissants!!!
Then it was time to say goodbye …
Another answer to prayer is that our friends all made it safely back to their families…