What thoughts or feelings does the word 'sacrifice' bring up?

March 14, 2025
Lee Tracie-Stockburger
3 min
What thoughts or feelings does the word 'sacrifice' bring up?
What thoughts or feelings does the word 'sacrifice' bring up?

Lee Tracie-Stockburger

Director of Development

Day  9- March 14


What thoughts or feelings does the word 'sacrifice' bring up?

To make a sacrifice means to decide to give up something of value to gain something even more important, worthy, or valuable. As we approach Good Friday, we look on Christ’s sacrifice. I feel deeply grateful to Jesus. It was the costliest of trade-offs – his crucifixion and death, but it held exponential blessings and benefit for all – the hope of resurrection, redemption, and eternal life.

Sacrifice entails costs for payoffs. I feel excited for the payoffs, but I don’t often feel enthusiastic or joyful about paying the cost. I complain about sacrificing desserts to fit into my favourite cords. I resist sacrificing or offering even an hour of my time to serve someone else. The servant leadership of Jesus grates against my petty selfishness.

I think about the Old Testament offerings - animals or gifts acceptable and pleasing to God. In Psalm 40, David reveals God’s true thoughts on sacrifices; he didn’t desire or require burnt offerings and sin offerings. God desired humans with hearts and ears open to his voice, humans who knew his will and desired to do it (Psalm 40:6-8). I’m glad and relieved the sacrificial system is no longer in place.

In this season of Lent, we come face to face with our new model for sacrifice: Jesus. We are to offer up our selves (all we are and have) as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1). Our dilemma? We quickly crawl off the altar. We don’t like to die to self. We don’t like to pay the cost.

And yet, when I think of the people who have invested in me and loved me, Jesus included, that love is attached to sacrifice. They gave up something so I could be blessed – they sacrificed a moment in time, resources, or even a significant portion of their life for me.

Sacrifice is a complex thing and a costly thing, and it is the way of Jesus.

Day 10 - March 15


How have you suffered for or because of something you were passionate about and/or deeply committed to?

Sunday - March 16


How will you know your Lenten sacrifices led to real spiritual growth?