Why Lent?

March 7, 2025
Lee Tracie-Stockburger
3 min
Why Lent?
Why Lent?

Lee Tracie-Stockburger

Director of Development

Day 3 - March 7


Why Lent?

I live in a basement suite beneath 2 families with 4 kids who are six and under. ‘Why?’ is a common question I hear. These littles may not be exploring of the power of human emotion, desire, and motivation, but they understand this idea: there are supposed reasons for things, reasons they are not yet fully aware of.

The other day, the four-year-old decided to see if he could cut his finger with a camping knife he unearthed. He was successful. His mother rushed him down for a consult from my husband, a family doctor. As Mark unfurled the boy’s finger and blood spurted out, he looked to the heavens and, with angst and tears, cried out, “WHYYYY did I do that?!”

Oh, to know why!

Why Lent?

Well, why any spiritual practice or rhythm for that matter?

Why might we want to create sacred seasons to encounter God?

What feelings are we wanting to experience, or what spiritual desires are we wanting to fulfill? What do we want more of, or what do we want to change?

Or do we simply need tools and practices to remind us to focus on God and his great love and grace? After all, we are forgetful and distractible people – or at least I am.

Before you decide on (or reaffirm) what you will fast from or give up this Lent, spend some time answering this question for yourself: Why participate in this season of Lent? When you land on a reason, don’t be afraid to dive deeper by asking yourself for the ‘Why’ underneath your reason. Keep this up until you get to the answer that seems foundational to you.

Day 4 - March 8


How or where might God be inviting you to deepen your relationship with Him?

Sunday - March 9


What would change if you believed more fully that God was truly for you and with you?