What is Lent?

March 5, 2025
Lee Tracie-Stockburger
3 min
What is Lent?
What is Lent?

Lee Tracie-Stockburger

Director of Development

Day 1 - March 5


What is Lent?

Do you want to join together with some of us in the HFL community to prepare your heart, soul, and mind to remember and celebrate Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection?

If yes, then join us! We'll consider 40 questions together during this upcoming season of Lent.

Click here to start devotional emails that will come to you on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The devotionals are 2-4 minutes of reading, with additional questions to consider for the following day or weekend. We encourage you to take as much time as wanted for reflection on the questions.

For a quick overview on Lent, keep reading.

In churches who follow the liturgical calendar – also called the church year or Christian year, Lent is a season of 6 ½ weeks given to spiritual reflection in preparation for Easter. The 40 days recalled Jesus’ 40-day fast and his temptation in the wilderness. Christians observed Lent by fasting, praying, and giving to those suffering poverty. Lent began on Ash Wednesday and ended with Easter.

Whether or not you observe Lent, your Christian tradition might still encourage the biblical practice of fasting - giving up or abstaining from something – for the purpose of praying and giving.

During Lent, some Christians abstain from certain food or alcohol. Some might fast on specific days, limit their food consumption, or give up a specific food or drink they enjoy (like coffee or dessert). Others choose to give up something that consumes their focus (like a type of social media, time on a smart phone, watching TV or sports, gaming, or shopping).

Part of Lent was, and continues to be, spending focused time in prayer for confession and repentance. I understand repentance as a turning – turning to God in faith for grace and turning away from sinful thought or actions. However you define sin, I see much to turn away from - in myself and in our world. Many things fall short of the character of God who acts with deep compassion and perfect justice. I also want to turn toward Jesus - the one who is Love and loves me.

I also experience repentance as a place requiring deep humility and vulnerability. When I’m asked to examine my life and confess my sin, I’m often uncomfortable, even pained, or I can get locked into cycle of shame and judgment. And yet, I want to become like Jesus. Humility was a defining quality of Jesus life, and He did not shy away from any of the experiences of shame or pain in Easter week.

If you want to experience spiritual growth and to prepare your heart, soul, and mind to remember and celebrate Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, join us!

Day 2 - March 6


What do you want and need from God today?