Day 5 - March 10
What could you give up that might help you focus more on God?
There are no prescriptive instructions on exactly how to fast in the Scriptures, though we do have different fasts described in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. So, for Lent, how might you decide what to give up? Food, drink, activities?
A fast creates space and somatic experience. Any time we give something up, a corresponding portion of space is created. How can you use that space to meet with God? A fast will also create bodily discomfort, and this mental or physical discomfort reminds us that our whole self, is the offering. The hunger, thirst, or temptation to ‘do’ is a physical (or somatic) prompt to connect with to God in surrender and prayer. Giving something up - something we do or enjoy - can free up both time and resources to use or to gift in other God-directed ways.
Also, to state the obvious, Lent was not a thing for Jesus. However, this remembrance of Jesus’ time of fasting in the desert invites us to follow his example. Jesus prepared to deal with temptation through fasting and prayer. Since we also deal with temptation, might Jesus’ ways help us, too?
It may help if you give up or fast from something that naturally triggers a feeling, desire, or motivation which you can physically or metaphorically connect to God or prayer in some way. I can share my example. I am tempted to watch TV to escape stress, and I’m tempted to overwork. I am fasting from TV and work after 8, going to sleep earlier so I can wake up and pray through writing poetry every morning except Sundays. When I start craving my evening escape time, or I feel the desire to get ‘one more thing done for work’ before bed, I remember I’m committed to living in God’s story to make my life meaningful. Since I’m forgetful, I have some go to verses, my commitment, and a few Lenten mantras written out and put underneath a wooden cross by my TV and on a sticky note on my computer.
I encourage you to have fun looking for threads tying your fast to the connection you want to make with God. Then let your mind and body do its thing. You were created for God, and God will fill the space and bring comfort.
Day 6 - March 11
If your focus on God increased, what might increase in your life and what might decrease in your life?