When we give our hard-earned money to someone, we usually expect something in return. Whether the return is tangible or intangible, we exchange something of value for something else we value. We do this every day, whether we are picking up groceries or making larger investments; but do we think this way when we make a gift? What is it that you get when you give?
I believe it’s legitimate to ask this same question when you partner with organizations like HFL. And, we want you to know that what you get when you partner with us is changed lives...that’s our bottom line. HFL addresses spiritual and physical poverty around the world—and so, what you get when you partner with us is spiritual and physical life. Your gifts have kept us busy.
Your gifts have enabled more children to go to school, provided clean water for communities and food for those who are hungry, and enabled healing for the sick and the provision of tangible care for orphans and widows. Your gifts have served to equip hundreds of volunteers to spend themselves in many developing countries; this results in changing their own lives as much as much they change others.
However, much more important than keeping us busy, your gifts have changed lives. Thank you for letting us help you have impact; an impact that points people to the love of Jesus.
With immense thanks,
Dave Blundell
Executive Director