We woke up to a beautiful day and a delicious breakfast of pancakes, cantaloupe and juice.
After breakfast Sarah, Carley, Tyrell, gevin and Jeff went to the church where they told the bible story of Jonah and the whale too the younger school kids and gave them a Jonah and the whale colouring sheet. After the chapel those five gaffers went to the school where they helped teach English to grades 3-6.
The other people went to the job site. To our surprise, the contract crew had already finished the main floor, so all of the floor pouring was done. First we started by sanding all of the exterior walls. To do that, we had to take small pieces of cinder blocks, and scratch them against the wall, to make the wall smooth. Once we were half way done sanding, Eva, Marquita, Brandon, Liam, and Kerwin started putting primer on the exterior walls. Once all of the primer was done, the guys and the chaperones began to dig a trench for the sewer pipe. The trench had to be 18 inches deep, and about 35 feet long. After a few hours of hard work and sweat, we managed to complete our goal. We had to dig through 16 inches of clay, but we made it. After completing this, we painted the outside of the house a nice orange clay colour, and cleaned up the area by putting in some nice landscaping.
While the construction crew was doing this the others went to 6 local houses and delivered food baskets to those in need.
We ended the day with a delicious supper of pasta and deep fried bananas. All in all everyone had an amazing day in which lots was accomplished.