March 27 was a great day to be in Juan Tomas. When we woke up the sun was shining and birds were chirping melodies. Breakfast was a mixture of eggs, toast, sausage, and a fresh natural assortment of local fruit; not to mention the freshly squeezed lime juice waiting on the counter for us.
Dario gave us a short tour of the school where he told us of a 15 year plan for the future of the school. (They’re open to donations) We walked to the site with tools in hand and sweat already forming at the brow, she was a cooker of a day if I’ve ever seen one. The supplies were located a few hundred meters away and with the only available form of transportation being the TCS mules we soon set ourselves to work. Someone got paired with Jeffrey and boy can this man ever work. We carried a heavy load of wood down to the site without the smallest mutter from Jeff. Next we went to carrying the tin. Jeff foolishly let down his guard for a single second and boy oh boy did the results come to get him. My man’s neck and hands (no lie) got cut open by the razor sharp edges of the metal. Thankfully the rest of the transport of materials went okay 👍🏼.
The goal for today was to clear up the landscaping and get the flooring prepped for tomorrow. Everybody immediately got to work with great vigor and the results were immediately evident. Landscaping was difficult but it immediately looked much better so it was definitely worth it. Floor prep was tedious but good ol’ ERIC KLASSEN knows how to get ‘er done. We went back for lunch which was great and met an ice cream guy on the way back, we told him we’d love to have some in an hour or so if that was okay and he agreed. We went back to work in the hot sun and spirits were high. Soon we even got to work on the roof which went great thanks to Chilliwack resident framer, Samuel Overduin. And on a hour on the dot later the ice cream man rolled up with his freezer on the back of his bike. We all feasted on cold ice cream thanks to Farmer Wim Kloot. For 30 people it only cost him a cool 20 bucks so that’s a good deal if I’ve ever heard one. Soon enough the day was over and we headed on home with a lot of our to-do list checked off.
The other group of 5-6 people went to the school to talk to the kids.
Dinner was something I can’t quite identify but it was delicious with the meat on the side. Over all 9.5/10 day.