Matthew 18:20. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I will be with them.” What a powerful time these last few days have been! We have seen God’s hand in so many things, from missing luggage showing up, to having luggage taxes refunded, to thunderstorms. This morning began with a church service, followed by teaching the ladies about hygiene. The girls and ladies were very engaged, and seemed to really enjoy their time. They blessed us with 3 large sugar canes and a huge bunch of bananas. We then made our way into the country to visit a couple of widows. Their resilience is truly humbling: they have suffered trials we cannot even fathom, with none of the comforts we enjoy at home, but yet, their faith in God is unwavering. God is Good. All the time, God is Good. After the visits we attended a Spiritual group where the ladies meet and encourage one another with scripture and singing. We ended by singing for them, and then singing “What a Friend we Have in Jesus” together, in both languages. The host of this gathering was Jennifer, who has suffered with health trials of her own, but also has a son, Brian, who was crushed in a gold mining accident. He was buried in 8 feet of dirt, and subsequently paralyzed from the waist down, but today he thanked the Lord that he is alive. While we were ending our visit, Mary Anne and Idelette went into their home to talk to him about some care for the sores he is experiencing, and we were hit by a thunderstorm. As a result, we ended up inside the home, once again singing, accompanied by Jane on guitar. While there, we became aware of a great need for lighting in their house. Then, as we sang, Brian asked to strum the guitar, and his whole face lit up. He has been really struggling with feeling purposeless, so perhaps this is an answer! Please be in prayer that he would experience healing for the pain he suffers, and that he will find purpose in life.