Today began with teaching hygiene at the Yogo school. We expected 25 girls and 50 boys: instead we were blessed with 94 boys and 93 girls! They enjoyed the teaching and most received packages to take home. (Because we did not expect so many, we came unprepared and were so sad to send some children home without a pack. They will receive them in December.)
We then made our way to 6 widow visits, which were a bit unconventional due to time constraints today. We met outside with each lady and had a time of prayer, sharing scripture, and song. We always ask each widow for prayer requests. These usually consist of asking for prayer for health, that their children or grandchildren would do well in school, or that they could find meaningful employment.
When we arrived at Millicent's home, we realized she was not in a good place. Her home that she shared with 4 children is very small, and in extreme disrepair. She asked for prayer that she might find help to fix it, as well as being able to come up with money for tuition for her children to go to school. What joy filled her face when we were able to tell her both prayers were already answered! Mary Anne had seen these issues at her preliminary visit, and had coordinated with VOH to be able to build her a new home, as well as pay the tuition for her children to go to school! (Photos of her home and her family below.)
We also visited Margaret Were and blessed her children with a new soccer ball, which they immediately began to play with. The sound of their laughter followed us down the trail to the van. Next we made our way to Cathy's drop off point, where we took a group photo before saying goodbye. Cathy is our field partner & interpreter for our days in Siaya and Yogo, and is an incredible asset to our team!
Goodbyes are bittersweet: we have grown to quickly love these dear, sweet, welcoming ladies! But, as Jane aptly put it in her devotion tonite, we leave them in the best hands. We leave them with the One who sees all things, knows all things, and cares for His people more than we ever could. He goes before them, stands behind them, walks beside them, and holds them in His hand. Back to the hotel to pack for our flight to Nairobi early tomorrow.Hadi tukutane tena! Until we meet again!