Our guests for the week started to arrive in the morning, two ladies from the Nikolaev area, and here is the surprise ! We were expecting a group of social workers to arrive, but Mary surprised us by inviting the ladies that serve in the widow care group at the Central Baptist Church in Nikopol to join us for the week. What a joy it will be to live life with these ladies for a few days.
Once everyone was settled in their rooms, we enjoyed a soup lunch, and spent a few hours around the table having the ladies share their stories of their experiences of the past couple of years. The recurring theme of their stories of hardship was Isaiah 41:13 “I am the LORD your God; I strengthen you and tell you,’Do not be afraid; I will help you.”’
After leaving the lunch table, the ladies took some time to enjoy the sunshine in Mary’s and Chad’s backyard.
After a bit of a late supper, we spent a couple of hours in bible study led by Sig on the subject of “Second coming of Christ.”
It’s Thursday morning …breakfast at 8, and after morning devotions it was off to the mineral pools to enjoy the heat and comfort of the water.
It’s 10:30 am now and I can smell the soup cooking for lunch ... .till next time, please pray for our guests that they may find some rest and enjoy the quiet skies and also continue to pray for the country of Ukraine!!…..