We got lasagna with a mix of vegetables and beef. To finish off lunch the cooks brought out some cake for a filling dessert. After lunch we all went off our separate ways. Some people tried to catch up on some much needed sleep and the others went off to play basketball with the locals. After a couple hours we all met up at the basketball court were Pastor Paul showed us his farm. The goat farm consisted of around two hundred milking goats and another three hundred goats ranging from all ages. Once again ,after the tour ,we all went to play some volleyball, Canadians vs Dominicans. We managed to keep it a close game but in the end the Dominicans pulled off the comeback win. Around 7 pm we were called to supper. Supper was some rice and a bowl of stew. We also were grateful for the fresh batch of ice tea that made the heat a little more bearable. We ended of the day with some group devotions.
Sunday morning, we woke up to a cool wind blowing through the open shutters of our floor. A welcomed contrast from the stifling heat we fell asleep to. Heading down for an 8 am breakfast, the first rays of heat shone down. In the kitchen we were met with oatmeal cake and fresh local fruit. Once breakfast was complete pastor Richard closed, and we scattered to get ready for 9:10 church. Once seated, several songs were sung by three singers accompanied by a piano and a guitar. After this, Pastor Paul preached from Revelations in English, and was translated sentence by sentence in to Spanish for the local people. Once the service was over, we found that the heat had returned in full force. Walking back to the school compound, we headed back to our bunks, and changed. Around 11, we left and walked around the town, stopped briefly to watch Team Juan Thomas play softball. Moving on, we walked down a dusty single lane road, to where the site of Pastor Pierre’s new house. After some inspection, we continued down a lane that wound in a wide circle back to the town, and the kitchen, where aqua and food awaited us in much needed shade.