This morning found all of us up early for breakfast…and then it was a flurry of packing, and repacking, organizing our suitcases for our upcoming trip home and trying to get everything loaded into the back of the van. Thankfully our driver Tom is an expert packer so that we ourselves had sufficient room to sit for our drive to the Kisumu airport.
The flight was uneventful and we arrived safely in Nairobi. We were ferried immediately to Martha’s children’s home - Shiphra. It was a highlight to see the children coming home from school. How they can sing! We were delighted with many songs. As a treat we had bought KFC chicken for them, which they enjoyed heartily along with the rice the cooks had prepared.
Martha currently has about 90 children living in the compound. It was heartwarming to see the love and care that she and her daughter Eva have for the kids, and yet heartbreaking to hear some of their stories. These children were all abandoned or rescued. With that many children ranging in ages from baby to secondary school graduates it’s hard to provide holistic care.
Please join us in prayer that God would pour His love and grace upon them. That they would know him and His love through Christ Jesus.
This marks the end of our work in Kenya for this year. May God be pleased to bless the work for His glory and the eternal good of our women with their families, and all to whom we ministered.
Tomorrow we hope to enjoy a drive through the Nairobi National park, the Lord willing.