The Longest Day by Jane and Linda
We left the hotel at 5:15 am on February 4th for our long awaited morning Safari drive. We waited at the gate of Nakuru National Park for it to open at 6:00am and were able to start our drive mostly in the dark. The sun began to rise and we started finding animals. This drive turned out to be the best … seeing a leopard, lions, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, zebras and much more! We returned to the hotel for a quick shower and we were off on a 4 hour drive to Shiphrah Centre, a home for children. Currently the 14 staff are caring for over 90 children that VOH helps to support. After a nice visit with Martha, the staff and many of the children, we were on our way towards the airport. We stopped for a couple hours of intense souvenir shopping and before we hopped back in the van, we said goodbye to Lauri and Everlyne.
We did our final debrief and then headed to security and gate for our 11:35 pm - 15 hour flight to New York. We were all tired and then our flight took off an hour late making quite the challenge to make our connecting flight to Toronto. We went through customs and then and said a hasty good bye to Carla as we waited for our luggage that was slow in arriving. As our luggage arrived on the belt, Heidi and Linda were told to head to the gate and see if they could stall the plane. They started the race to the gate as the others were waiting at security check.
Racing through the airport looking for gate A19, out of breath and red faced Heidi and Linda arrived first at the gate red after a 20 min amazing race run (praying all the way). They asked the lady at the gate to hold it for the other 3. Linda called Helen to find out exactly where they were and Heidi told her the name of the ladies names who running to the gate still. She told us they had 4 minutes to make it to the gate. Helen found us and then we were all waiting for Jane and Janet … praying desperately for us to all make the flight.
Helen, Heidi and Linda boarded and continued to pray. Benny, our flight was so kind when I asked if they would hold the flight for the ladies and he said no we can’t bc we get into trouble. But… Janet and Jane made it, panting and out of breath!! Thanks be to God!! 🙌
Benny was our awesome flight attendant who made our flight extra special. He graciously talked with us, gave us a drink and snacks. He also gave us all wings when he learned about our team mission.
What a trip!! Currently we are descending into Toronto 38 hours later. Carla is awaiting her flight. Thanks for praying for us and following along on our blog.