Cooking with the ladies
To finish off our time in Kakemega we got to pair up with 3 widows to cook our supper at their homes. Oh, what fun we had! It was amazing cooking cabbage and onions over a Rocket stove at Flora’s house, rice pilau over 3 cooking fires at Joyce’s house, and mandazis at Pamela’s house. These 3 widows came back to eat with us at our “home” The food was so delicious and the fellowship so sweet! ~Lydia~
This morning Lisa and I had the wonderful opportunity to do a boy's presentation at the Friends Secondary School. We pulled into an immaculately manicured schoolyard. It was a clean, calm welcoming atmosphere. It was their last day of school before a 7 week's break. We gathered together in a classroom with 50 boys ages 15 to 20. We started our presentation with how each one of us is created in the image of God, what it means to be a strong man, and then the message of the gospel. We continued talking about viruses and bacteria; what causes them, treatment, and prevention. Then ended our part of the presentation by talking about sexual purity and God’s good plan of sex only in a marriage with one man and one woman. Lisa and I left the room while Aggry and Tom took the stand to talk to the boys about puberty. Then you should have seen the excited faces when we gave them their gift; messengers bags filled with Bible and other goodies. The boys proudly swung their bags across their shoulders and thanked us. ~Debbie~
Forty beautiful teen girls with bright smiles greeted us at a very well-run Quaker school this morning.
We opened our time discussing how each of us is especially gifted, has value, and can be strong in our character.
After a time of teaching about their changing bodies, we handed out hygiene kits and discussed how to use them. Each girl also received a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a bible. The best part of the morning was how engaged the girls were-answering questions, playing our games, and enthusiastically wrapping up our time with singing. One girl came forward without prompting to thank us for coming on behalf of all the girls and then closed the morning with a beautiful prayer.