We started this morning in Fudesa, after finally getting our temperatures right in the room overnight. We packed all our things, had a final breakfast with the Fudesa family, and loaded onto the bus at 9:30 a.m. for a "1.5 hour drive" to Batay Vasca. We arrived at 11:45. The girls then split up into groups to teach the Zaccheus story to three small classes at the school, while the guys started painting the washrooms, just recently built. At 1:00 p.m., we sat down to lunch in the community center. Our energy was very low over lunch; BJ even managed to fall asleep. The girls changed into paint clothes but were soon surprised by Shawn's pet toad! After a urine mishap, the laughter was ringing and spirits rising, and the girls took over painting. The three men, as well as the translators, tackled the weeded mess in the community court yard. Putting the highs in the lows and the lows in the highs as Allen's joke goes. Moving on....the children were super excited to play soccer and kick ball with the team. After rounding everybody up, the team waved goodbye and took the bumpy dirt road back to the Obispo Kellogg guest house in San Pedro. Some enjoyed their first hot shower in over a week while others went with Carlos to the hardware store. They came back soon after with nothing in hand as the store was closed. At 6:15, supper was set out and wolfed down in order to see the sunset over the ocean. The highlight of many was the beautiful glow and the waves crashing over the rocks. Something special? We got to witness a rocket launch! The Falcon Nine was launched from SpaceX in Florida! Almost 1600km away! A peaceful walk back and all sat down to close. To conclude the evening, a riotous game of musical chairs was played. To sum it up, a chair was broken and people went flying!
It was another beautiful day, and we are all looking forward to our last day of making memories with the locals.