Jehovah Has The Final Say
We woke early this morning to be on time for the sunrise church service. We were greeted by some local children. They sang for us and we sang for them. It was good to worship our great God with our sisters and brothers in Christ. After church we gave a health and hygiene talk while the kids heard Bible stories, coloured, and played.
Brian, a young man, had a mining accident in the fall, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. He has been feeling quite discouraged but is beginning to see hope for his future. We are very thankful to be a part of God’s plan in providing some of the means to help him reach some goals he didn’t think would be possible after the accident. VOH supporters helped to provide a laptop which will aid in his schooling and a wheelchair for when he comes home from the hospital. To see his smile when he was given the laptop was priceless. Please continue to pray with us for Brian and his road to healing, as he adjusts to his “new normal”.
We also visited a few more of the widows, (Rita, Margaret and Josephine). It’s a blessing to hear them praising God and expressing their trust and thankfulness to Him for His provisions in their life.
Late this afternoon, we gathered with 4 widows at Margaret’s home to read the Bible, share testimonies of how God has been working in all of our lives, which led to an extended time of singing praise to the Lord. A group of children continued to grow as we sang, which turned into an opportunity for them to hear how God saved Daniel from the lions. What a wonderful Lord’s Day it was.
In church we heard “God is good all the time” which the congregation responded with “All the time, God is good and that is His nature.” We loved hearing them rejoice in God’s perfection and we joined in.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good and that is His nature!