Holah, everyone! Greetings from the Dominican Republic!
After only a few hours of sleep the past "morning" we had a late breakfast at 9:00.
Since this was our first day here at the school compound in Cuantos Mas, we had an introduction to how the mission started here as well as a quick tour of the classrooms! Shortly after we facilitated the Vacation Bible School themed Noahs Ark with the younger grades! We split into three groups where the one told the Bible story with illustrations as well as a song and short activity! The next group did a craft building a 3-D display of the ark and rainbow! The last group played a variety of outdoor games with the students.
We were served a delicious lunch of chicken and rice and then proceeded on a 10 minute walk to our next activity of painting 4 houses! We managed to complete the project even with a few gecko scares! To end this part of our day, one of the team members asked the families for requests and then followed up with a short prayer!
Now that we were hot and tired, we raced back to the school compound for a quick shower and hot meal!
To end our day, we gathered with the locals for a Wednesday prayer service in the chapel.
After introductions, the locals were asked for any prayer requests they might have. We split into groups and took part in a prayer circle! The mission pastor then did a Bible study on 1 Thessalonians 2!
To finish the day, we ran through the pouring rain to have a quick debrief about our first day here!
A few highlights from the group were:
1. A very welcoming and affectionate village
2. The exuberance of the children (soo many hugs and kisses 😊 )
3. The amount of English the children were proud to show off
Thanks for following along on our amazing first day!