Today is the day that marks the end of our trip. We had our last breakfast at home up around 8:00. which was followed by an hour debrief with Jason and Reuben recapping our trip, discussing highs and lows as well as ways to improve it for others in the future. We also reviewed impactful moments for everyone in the team. I'm sure we were all thinking "where do I even start".
We had a last coffee with Garrett and his 2 oldest kids as we finished packing our bags and getting ready for our 5+16+5hr flights in addition to a couple layovers and some driving time for us all.
We left the lodge at at 10:30 and said goodbye to Rose (she was in charge of the lodge and food while we were there and possibly the smiliest person we've met).
Peter (our reliable driver) took us to the airport and we also said goodbye to him. The airport was an experience of it's own as most things seem to be in Malawi. The machines were broken so there was hand security check through our bags (a few times) as well as explaining why we had so much wood crafts in all of our bags. Marc had to walk with a limp to get his cane through security and Reuben had to check Stephanie 2.0 in. Once we finally got into the waiting area a few of us played cards while we waited for our plane.
We leave Malawi with a bittersweet feeling, as we're all excited to get home and sleep in our beds, see our friends and family and get back to our daily routines, we've also gotten to love this place. Mitch said (and he's right) that the people of Malawi are some of the most lovable people there is. We're very hopeful that the system we installed will have a positive impact on the centre. We will miss all the kids and people we interacted with and I think I speak for everyone in the group when I say that this has been one of the most humbling experiences we've had and it's enhanced how thankful we are for everything and everyone we have around us. We hope to bring some of what we've learned back to Canada to increase awareness and continue making a positive impact on the people of Malawi.
Anyways, as we fly somewhere over Tanzania we're doing yet another card game as we managed to take over a whole section of seats while they refueled the plane in the extra leg room area. Steve was the only honorable member who actually paid for his seat.