After a restful sleep the team woke to a misty rain Sunday morning,
We had our breakfast at 730. Got on the bus at eight with our faithful and skilled driver, Henry. We set off for the English church service at the Central African Presbyterian Church. This was from 8:30 to approximately 10:15. Songs were sung, announcement were made and the minister had a kickoff sermon on the theme “Hold fast to your faith without wavering”. After the service we went to check out another possible lodge for the team next year. Upon arrival at our lodge, before the bus could even stop, Caleb the insect professor spotted a chameleon. We had a little bit of fun with watching it change its colors. We then had some time to chill. Afterward we got ready for lunch which we purchased buns, meat and cheese, etc., on Saturday of course. We then enjoyed an awesome lunch. After lunch we did a debriefing of our past week at the child center, which was an enjoyable time connecting together. After that we had a little bit more time to relax and do some packing for our departure in the morning.
For dinner we went off to our favourite dinner place for a wonderful time together and had some more fun and laughter. We then returned to our lodge for some games and final touches to packing and then we shut it down for our final night