Today was the team's first full day in Ensenada! We began with team devotions on the rooftop look out followed by a pancake breakfast. We then made a trip to the local super marcador (grocery store) to buy some supplies for later in the day and also continue to grow our Spanish vocabulary at the same time!
Once back at the home, some of the team prepared a meal for ministry later in the day, while others taught the girls in the home how to play kickball in the front yard. By the end of the game they were kicking the ball over the fence almost every time! Pastor Shawn then lead the girls in a group session talking about how your thoughts are related to your emotions and actions and how we can better identify those. He used colourful beach balls as a demonstration which the girls loved!
After lunch we headed to another local ministry in Ensenada that helps to care for senior's that have been abandoned and have no one to care for them. We did some simple exercises with them lead by Tamara, followed by Scott and Wendy shared a bit about themselves and an encouragement of how they have seen God in their lives. We continued at the seniors ministry playing bingo for an hour, giving out some fun prizes every time a bingo was called. We played a fun balloon game and fed them the meal we prepared earlier in the day. We also took the opportunity to clean their kitchen to help out and bless the ministry. The team was really touched at this ministry to be able to interact with the Abuleos and Abuleas, seeing them smile and being able to simply do a fun activity and visit with them. Some of the people we met are at very fragile points in their lives so to be able to bless them, in turned blessed us.
After returning to the home we had a delicious supper and ended the day with group devotions focusing on John 4.
The team is getting use to using their span-glish (Spanish/English) skills and getting more comfortable being in a new place and interacting with the girls here.
Thank you for your prayers and support!