Day 2
Hello!! Our second day in the Dominican was just as interesting as the first. We had an early start to the morning, where the children greeted us with excited faces. Together, we made paper butterflies, sang Christmas hymns in Spanish, and talked about the amazing story of Jesus’ birth.
The guys worked hard at construction all day! They took down an aging shack and worked on the walls around the school. While they did this, Wilissa and Jane went to the Days For Girls program, where they helped distribute hygiene kits as well as teach the girls about menstrual health.
Lunch was SO tasty! The ladies in the New Jerusalem Community prepared for us a delicious meal, packed full of wholesome and hand picked goods. It was a wonderful time of fellowship for us all.
Home visitations were the highlight of the day. We had the privilege to distribute food hampers and build personal relationships with each other. It was a blessing to meet everyone, pray for them, and hear about their stories.
As we are writing this, the guys are shopping for the dinner they will prepare….