The day began bright and early for our trip to beautiful Siaya for a short 3 day visit! Little did we know how hot the day would become. 38 degrees, hot, dry and sunny.
We enjoyed the beautiful scenery while singing praises to God and catching glimpses of Kenyan life.
Distinction Gardens is our destination and we arrived in time for coffee, mandazi (a sweet treat) and a moment to get ourselves together.
Shout out to the champs for clearing out the foyer of many suitcases and bags of supplies we needed for our time here.
By 11:30 we were on our way to tour Yogo Glory Centre high school. This is a beautiful facility being built but construction is on hold due to inspections.
We had the privilege of visiting Rosalyn a widow of cheerful disposition. Her greatest desire was the salvation of her 5 children.
In between visits, it was exciting to stop by the equator point.
Another dear sister in Christ, Sarah, a 104 year old was a real gem to visit. Although she was hard of hearing and her eyesight was failing, her faith was firm. Her face lit up when we asked her to sing and sing she did.
Sarah was taken care of by her daughter in law, Grace, another beautiful Bible name.
She was also able to testify of Christ. Praise be to God. What a pleasure to visit these 2 lovely examples.
We received disturbing news that the doctors went on strike. This is terrible news for anyone not in ICU as they need to leave the hospital. What a trial for the sick!
We are especially praying for Brian who is awaiting surgery but will most likely be released. At this time we are still waiting to hear. Please pray that he may be transferred to a private hospital.
Praise the Lord, his mercy is more,
Stronger than darkness, new ev'ry morn
Our sins, they are many, His mercy is more!