We woke up to the sound of children playing outside, the sun shining into our room, and the view of palm trees from our beds. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast followed by a tour from Fudesa leaders, Dario and Richard. They showed us around the elementary school grounds, the church, the clinic and then we walked across the road to the high-school compound. For the future they are hoping to have the elementary and high-school all on the same compound. As we walked through the school grounds, children greeted us with excited hugs and high-fives. Throughout the entire school day the children were exuberant!
Afterwards, the guys started demolishing the old cement pad used for sports so that a new one
can be poured on Saturday. Meanwhile, us girls attempted to help the English teachers in grades 4, 5, and 10. We had some interesting half English half Spanish conversations with the children! A good lunch beat our hunger. While the guys continued the construction work, the girls piled in vans and went to a neighboring village about 5 minutes away, where we took part in a Days for Girls program, distributing hygiene products/kits.
Before supper we joined a few children in a baseball game, of which the children took the championship, leaving us in the dust. They amazed us with their sports skills and humor (the children are hilarious!) The game definitely made the list for the best baseball game ever!
A delicious supper and some fun games ended our first day. We can't wait for tomorrow's adventures and are ready for what will hopefully be a good night's rest.